Aadhaar Update: Name, DOB, Address, Gender & more

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Adhaar Card Download online / Address update with or without Address proof

This article discusses about the process and documents required to update the details in aadhaar card and also the procedure for downloading of E aadhaar online.

Aadhaar is the twelve digit unique identification number issued by unique identification authority of India (UIDAI). Aadhaar card is linked to biometrics of an individual and this aadhaar card can be used for both identity proof as well as address proof.

The aadhaar database is the world’s largest biometric database with more than 119 crore enrollments. Now almost all Indian has this aadhaar card and this is the very important identity document which is mandatory for availing the benefits of various government schemes.

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Downloading of e aadhaar card online

Find more in the video on how to download aadhaar card online

Procedure for Downloading E Adhaaar

Step 01: visit UIDAI Website Download the Aadhaar Card online
Step 02: Under get Aadhaar tab click on “Download Aadhaar’
Step 03: Enter your twelve digit Aadhaar number and CAPTCHA code
Step 04: Click on Send OTP (OTP will be sent to mobile number which is linked to Aadhaar number)
Step 05:  Enter the OTP received
Step 06: Answer the survey
Step 07: Click on Verify and Download
Step 08: Aadhaar will be downloaded. Your e Aadhaar will be password protected. To open the document you have to enter the password. Password will be eight digit password and first four digit will be first four letters of your name and next four digit will be year of your birth.

One can follow above steps to download the Aadhaar card online and no need to carry hard copy of the Aadhaar every time. Downloaded e Aadhaar will be treated on par with original Aadhaar card for any purposes.

Update or Correction of details in Aadhaar Card

Many a times it is necessary to change or update the details/ particulars in the aadhaar card for various reasons. For example the person may have changed his address or he has to make correction to his name or DOB etc,. This article speaks about the detailed procedure of updating/correcting the details in adhaar card.

  1. Procedure for Updating of Address in the Aadhaar Card

Have changed your address recently? Don’t worry! It’s easy to change your address in the Aadhaar card now and you can do it online. You can change the address in Aadhaar with valid address proof or even you can change the address without having address proof also. This article explains the procedure for changing the address with and without address proof.

Procedure for Correction of Address without any address proof

In case if the Aadhaar holder does not have any of the listed documents he is still allowed to change their address in the database. To do so one must get consent and authentication of the verifier. Verifier may be family member, friend or relative or your landlord. To change the address you have to give the details of address verifier. UIDAI will send an address verification letter to them along with verification code. Once enter that verification code your address will be successfully changed to the address of the verifier.  Here are the steps to follow to update the address without address proof.

Find More in the video on Change of address in aadhaar card online

Stage 01

Step 01: Visit UIDAI website Update the Address in Aadhaar 
Step 02: Under update Aadhaar tab click on “Update you address online”
Step 03: Click on “Request for Address validation letter”
Step 04: Enter the Aadhaar Number for which address has to be changed and enter the CAPTCHA
Step 05: Click on Send OTP (OTP will be sent to mobile number which is linked to aadhaar number)
Step 06: Enter the OTP received
Step 07: Click on Login
Step 08: Enter the Aadhaar number of the Address verifier.
Step 09: Click on “Send request” then SRN will be generated. Note down that number.

Stage 02

Step 01: Consent link will be sent to your Address verifier mobile
Step 02: Address verifier Clicks on the link and login
Step 03: Address verifier gives consent for the same

Stage 03

Step 01: Get the confirmation of Consent.
Step 02: After Getting the consent by the verifier login with SRN and verify the address
Step 03: Submits the request

Stage 04

Step 01: Letter along with secret code will sent within 30 days. Once letter is received Login to Address update portal
Step 02: Update the address by entering Secret code received.
Step 03: Click on “final submit” and your address will be updated.
Note down the URN for status checking of your request in future

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Procedure for Correction of Address with Valid address proof

Step 01: Visit UIDAI website Update the Address in Aadhaar
Step 02: Under update Aadhaar tab click on “Update you address online”
Step 03: Click on “Proceed to Update Address”
Step 04: Enter your twelve digit adhaar number and CAPTCHA code
Step 05: Click on Send OTP (OTP will be sent to mobile number which is linked to aadhaar number)
Step 06: Enter the OTP received
Step 07: Click on “Proceed to Update Address with address Proof”
Step 08: Enter your complete address as in the address proof in both English and local language
Step 09:  Enter the PIN code and select other details
Step 10: Click on Preview Check the correctness of the details entered
Step 11: Submit the request for address change and note down the Reference number for future reference. You can download acknowledgement also.
Step 12:  Upload the Original Scanned Copy (Color) of the valid address proof. Click here to know the list of valid address proof.

Update the Address in Aadhaar

Check out the Correct the details in Voter Id

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3 Responses to Aadhaar Update: Name, DOB, Address, Gender & more

  1. Pingback: Checking & Correction of details in the voter id Karnataka 2020 - GC EduCity

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